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Found 26 results for any of the keywords norvi industrial. Time 0.008 seconds.
Industrial IoT Device Manufacturer | Industrial IoT DevicesAs a leading industrial IoT device manufacturer, NORVI Offers Industrial Controllers for IoT applications, ESP32 based Industrial Controllers, Industrial IoT Devices.
Programmable MQTT Devices | MQTT Over WIFI Devices | norvi.lkMQTT over Ethernet devices - Norvi offers programmable MQTT devices that come with a variety of features that make them suitable for industrial automation and IoT solutions.
Modbus to IoT Gateway | Modbus MQTT Gateway | norvi.lkModBus RTU ESP32 - MODBUS Communication on ESP32 NORVI IIOT via RS-485. ModBus RTU with ESP32 based industrial controller.
Industrial Data Logger with ESP32 | WiFi Data Logger | norvi.lkESP32 Data Logger - NORVI can build a WiFi Data Logger using SD card, Combining few libraries of Arduino you can access or view the Temperature Humidity via WiFi.
0 - 10V Arduino Device | 4 - 20mA Arduino Device | norvi.lkChanging IOT One Device At A Time (4 - 20mA, 0 - 10V DC Analog inputs and Outputs). Programmable controllers with flexibility and open source software.
Industrial Arduino Mega | Arduino MEGA PLC | norvi.lkIndustrial Arduino Mega - Get reliable, secure, and customizable control of your industrial processes with Arduino Mega PLC.
Analog Input Expansion | 0 - 10V ESP32 | 4 - 20mA ESP32NORVI s Analog Input ESP32 is designed for industrial applications, allowing you to measure and monitor 0-10V or 4-20mA signals using an ESP32 controller.
Industrial IoT Devices | Industrial Arduino | Arduino PLC | norvi.lkProgrammable IoT Devices - Our Arduino based PLCs make it easy to automate processes, connect sensors, and create automation systems.
Arduino based Industrial Controller | Arduino PLC | norvi.lkIndustrial Arduino PLC for Automation Applications which control industrial processes with Arduino based hardware and software.
Programmable MQTT Device | Modbus MQTT Device | ESP32 Modbus deviceModbus MQTT Device - NORVI Agent Industrial IoT Node. Ready to use IoT Node. Ready for industrial applications. WiFi LoRa NB-IoT.
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